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Listen to Progress Level 30

WordSentence Action
santaSanta lives up north.
taxableWhen filing taxes, you can deduct certain expenses, such as mortgage interest, to reduce your taxable income.
askingThe impatient child kept asking, 'Are we there yet?' during the car ride. 
regulatoryRegulatory agencies ensure that businesses comply with established rules and standards.
lincolnAbraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.
equationsThe software computed the complex mathematical equations.
millionsYour body is made of millions of cells.
statutoryThe law provides statutory rights to individuals in specific legal situations.
approachesThe study involved a comparative analysis of different approaches.
guiltyThe evidence clearly shows that he is guilty.
schemeIn the grand scheme of things, the minor details were unimportant.
failWhat if I fail?
supervisionProper supervision is essential for safety.
canadianShe enjoyed Canadian literature and often read books by Canadian authors.
walterWalter is known for his expertise in financial management.
attemptsHe made several attempts to fix the broken device.
decidePlease decide where to eat.
italianLet's have dinner at that Italian restaurant. 
acceptanceMay I see your Letter of Acceptance?
adultsAdults pay full price, but children are free.
knowingKnowing the truth can sometimes be difficult.
conceptsThe intermediate level of the course covers advanced concepts.
callingCritics rubbished the movie, calling it a complete waste of time.
librariesLibraries offer a wide range of books and resources.
directionsHis directions were clear and easy to follow.
opposedHe was opposed to the new policy from the beginning.
brothersI have two brothers and a sister.
compoundsChemical compounds are made up of two or more elements.
eligibleTo be eligible for the scholarship, students must meet specific criteria.
graduallyThe music gradually increased in tempo, becoming faster and more intense.
minorityThe minority group advocated for their rights.
satisfiedI'm quite satisfied with their work.
plaintiffsThe plaintiffs in the case demanded compensation.
drivingThe rough surface of the road made driving difficult.
reservedShe reserved a table for two at the restaurant.
filesThe files on the computer were well-organized.
eggsEggs are a good source of protein.
receiptsMake sure to keep your receipts for returns.
similarlyBirds have wings; similarly, bats have wings for flying.
unemploymentThe statistics show a decline in the unemployment rate.
completionThe completion of the construction project is expected by the end of the year.
managersFiring employees is a difficult decision for managers.
holdsThe author holds the copyright to the published work.
accuracyDouble-check your work to ensure accuracy.
prisonHe served time in prison for his crimes.
neckThe giraffe stretched its long neck to reach the leaves on the tree. 
satisfactionThe survey results indicated a high level of customer satisfaction.
floodNoah's Ark is a biblical story about saving animals from a great flood.
particlesThe centrifugal force caused the particles to move away from the center.
perspectiveThe story is told from the perspective of the main character. 
grewThe plants grew quickly. 
intentionShe declared her intention to run for office.
collegesThere are numerous colleges and universities in this city.
rentThey pay their rent monthly. 
normallyNormally, the store closes at 9 PM, but there may be exceptions.
presentationDid you create that presentation? It was so good.
muscleMuscle contraction is a fundamental aspect of movement.
tankWe need to fill the gas tank before the road trip.
screenLimiting screen time can have a positive impact on children's development.
volumesThe library has a wide range of volumes.
asiaI dream of traveling to Asia one day.
vitalFarmers and producers play a vital role in the food industry.
audienceHe spoke to the audience. 
furthermoreThe research was groundbreaking, and furthermore, it had significant implications.
monitoringMonitoring the progress of the project is essential.
wellsThe village has several water wells.
teethExperts recommend using a dental floss daily to keep teeth healthy. 
rubberAkron is known for its history in the rubber and tire industry.
allenAllen is a common last name in English-speaking countries.
dinnerThey ate pizza for dinner. 
sustainedThe team's sustained efforts led to their victory in the championship.
considerationsThere are many considerations to take into account when planning a project.
wiseIt's wise to save money for the future.
interviewMy job interview went well.
theoreticalThe theoretical framework forms the basis for scientific research.
alaskaThe United States has 48 contiguous states, excluding Alaska and Hawaii.
separatedThe couple separated but remained friends for the sake of their children.
beamThe lighthouse's beam of light was shining across the sea.
clevelandCleveland is known for its vibrant arts and culture scene.
physicsThis is a fundamental concept in physics.
contemporaryHer art collection features both classical and contemporary pieces.
widthThe width of the road allows for smooth traffic flow.
ontoA single leaf fell from the tree onto the ground.
hospitalsThe city has several top-rated hospitals.
conThe con artist deceived many people with his elaborate schemes.
admissionThe minimum age for admission is 18 years.
subcommitteeThe subcommittee was formed to address specific issues within the larger committee.
customsThe manifest listed all the cargo items on the ship for customs inspection.
sixtySixty seconds make up a minute.
stableA stable environment is crucial for the proper care of animals.
protectedThe insured party is protected against specified risks.
payingWho will be paying for your expenses here?
answersThe textbook contains answers to the exercises at the end of each chapter.
disabilityDespite her disability, she pursued her passion for art.
destroyedThe old building was destroyed to make way for a new one.
begunThe construction of the new building has begun.
intensityThe intensity of the storm was frightening.
usaThe USA is a diverse country with a rich cultural heritage.
shoreWe spent our vacation by the shore, building sandcastles.