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Listen to Progress Level 47

WordSentence Action
integrityThe engineer examined the structural integrity of the building.
valuationAccurate valuation is crucial in real estate transactions.
fortuneThe heir inherited a vast fortune.
entriesThe entries in the competition were impressive.
lockThe key got stuck in the lock, and we couldn't open the door.
conveniencePortable devices like laptops and smartphones provide convenience.
assetKnowledge is a valuable asset in today's information age.
wearingWearing clothes that fit properly can make a big difference in how you look.
rotationThe Earth's rotation causes day and night.
tourThe tour guide showed the group around the historical landmarks. 
geographicOur school district covers a large geographic area.
definitelyShe was definitely planning to attend the event.
spacesThey live in a quiet suburb with lots of green spaces. 
abundantThe supply of fresh produce at the market is abundant.
facilitateThe conference room had an oval-shaped table to facilitate better communication.
vectorIn physics, a vector has both magnitude and direction.
widowThe widow mourned the loss of her husband for years.
brandThe brand is known for its high-quality products.
listeningThey were not listening to the teacher’s instructions.
moleculesWater is composed of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule.
complaintsThe company received numerous complaints about its products.
elderlyThe man helped the elderly woman cross the street. 
crossedThey crossed paths with an old friend at the event.
thereforThe instructions were clear; therefor, there was no confusion.
habitatWatching wildlife in its natural habitat is a unique experience.
fibersOptic fibers are commonly used in telecommunications for high-speed data transmission.
ministersThe meeting was attended by foreign ministers from several countries.
textsI received several texts from my friends.
incidenceThe incidence of the disease increased in the winter months.
affirmativeAn affirmative response indicates agreement.
passionHer passion for music was evident in every note she played.
supervisorsThe supervisors oversee the daily operations of the team.
transfersAn assignor transfers rights or property to another party.
enforceThe law enforcement agency's duty is to enforce the law.
compactShe carries a compact mirror in her purse.
accompanyingThe music was accompanying their romantic dinner.
beneficialShe reasoned that taking a break would be beneficial.
penaltiesPlease follow the rules; otherwise, you may face penalties.
essayHe is citing a famous author in his essay.
messagesI received your messages, and I'll get back to you soon.
tracksThe animal tracks suggested the presence of a bear.
sacrificeMaking a sacrifice for a good cause can be fulfilling.
metersIn physics, velocities are measured in meters per second and indicate the speed and direction of an object's motion.
compelledHe felt compelled to speak out against injustice.
editorsEditors play a crucial role in the publishing process.
meetsAccreditation is the official recognition or certification that an organization or program meets certain standards.
meterThe meter measures the length of an object.
bearsThe forest is home to bears and other wildlife.
milwaukeeMilwaukee is a city known for its breweries and cultural events.
diegoDiego is a common given name with various cultural associations.
shopsThere are several shops along the main street.
nevadaThe Sierra Nevada mountain range is known for its scenic beauty.
insufficientThe evidence presented was deemed insufficient for a conviction.
interpretedThe results of the survey were interpreted by experts.
descriptionsThe product descriptions need to be updated.
farmingTo shear sheep is to remove their wool, a common practice in farming.
purelyHis motive for helping was purely altruistic.
shouldersShe shrugged her shoulders in response to the question.
postalThe postal service delivers packages daily.
statingThe contract included a proviso stating that certain conditions must be met for the agreement to be valid.
examinationsStudents must prepare for their examinations.
assessmentsRegular assessments are conducted to measure progress.
lodgeThe cozy lodge in the mountains provided a peaceful retreat.
friendshipI value our friendship so much.
firedHe was fired from his job due to budget cuts.
delegatesThe conference had delegates from various countries.
irregularThe irregular pattern caught the artist's eye.
buyerThe buyer carefully inspected the used car before purchasing it.
tiesThe alliance between the two nations strengthened their diplomatic ties.
handbookThe handbook contains guidelines for new employees.
legitimateThe legitimate owner of the property reclaimed it.
albanyAlbany is the capital city of the state of New York.
exercisedShe exercised diligently to prepare for the marathon.
migrationAn exodus is a mass departure or migration of people, often from a region or country.
connectingHe's connecting his computer to the network.
diffusionThe diffusion of ideas can lead to cultural changes.
claimantThe claimant sought compensation for the damages.
visitorsThe museum provided visitors with a booklet containing information about its exhibits and history.
bobBob is expected to give an oral presentation on the importance of keeping the work area clean and safe.
doctorsMedical doctors are dedicated to healing and saving lives.
kingsThe kings of old were known for their grand palaces.
austinAustin is the capital city of the state of Texas.
rooseveltRoosevelt is a surname associated with several U.S. presidents.
cubaCuba is an island nation in the Caribbean.
behavioralBehavioral psychology studies the influence of actions on the mind.
terribleThe storm had a terrible impact on the coastal area.
frozenThe frozen food section offers a variety of convenient meal options.
wingsBirds use wings for locomotion in the air.
nearestThe population of the nearest big city was growing.
huntThey plan to go on a bear hunt in the wilderness.
departureThe departure of the flight was delayed due to bad weather.
blankThe artist contemplated the blank canvas before starting a new painting.
judiciaryThe judiciary plays a vital role in upholding the rule of law.
evaluatedThe report was carefully evaluated by the committee.