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Listen to Progress Level 63

WordSentence Action
reinforcedThe foundation of the building is made of reinforced concrete.
quoteThe company provided a quote for the total cost of installing the pool.
descriptorsDescriptors provide details or characteristics to describe something.
investigatorsThe investigators ascertained the cause of the accident.
printerThe printer ran out of ink in the middle of printing important documents.
eugeneEugene is a given name with Greek origins.
erieErie may refer to a city, a lake, or various geographical features.
cemeteryWe visited the cemetery to pay our respects to our loved ones. 
exceptionalHer promotion was well-merited, given her exceptional performance.
fameAchieving fame often comes with increased public attention.
recalledI recalled the instructions from the manual.
qualifyCertain individuals may qualify for tax exemptions based on their income and circumstances.
buyersThere were multiple buyers interested in the property.
commandsThe software occasionally fails to respond to user commands.
actorsThe casting director is responsible for selecting the actors.
tokyoTokyo is the capital city of Japan.
dominatedThe society was dominated by a patriarchal system where men held most of the power.
wagonThe wagon was loaded with goods for transport.
sueThey decided to sue the negligent driver for damages.
happeningThe event was happening at the city's central park.
participatedThe children participated in a drawing competition at school. 
seasonsThere are four seasons in a year.
economicalChoosing economical options can help save resources and costs.
metallicMetallic objects have properties similar to metals.
delightThe child was grinning with delight as he opened his presents.
accompanyI will accompany you to the conference.
manufacturesThe company manufactures high-quality furniture.
assignorAn assignor transfers rights or property to another party.
inquiriesPlease direct your inquiries to the customer service department.
watsonWatson is a surname and a given name with English and Scottish origins.
brokerA broker facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers.
engagingThe professor gave an engaging lecture on physics.
enablesA modem is a device that enables computers to communicate over telephone lines.
deferredThe meeting was deferred to a later date due to unexpected circumstances.
specialtyHer specialty in medicine focused on pediatric care.
insectUntreated wood is susceptible to decay and insect damage.
genevaGeneva is a city known for its international organizations and diplomacy.
immunityImmunity provides protection against diseases and infections.
chargingHe's currently charging his phone so it doesn't run out of battery.
keysHe felt a sense of relief when he found his lost keys.
designateTo designate is to appoint or assign a specific role or status.
louisvilleLouisville is a city in Kentucky, USA, known for the Kentucky Derby.
exchangesCurrency exchanges are available at the airport.
pastorThe pastor delivered inspiring sermons to the congregation.
centeredThe debate centered around a major point of contention.
campsSummer camps provide children with outdoor recreational experiences.
corpusThe legal corpus consists of written laws and statutes.
succeedingSucceeding in the music industry requires talent and perseverance.
nominalThe fee for the service was nominal, making it affordable for everyone.
mathThis math problem is a good example for practice.
notifyPlease notify us if any issues occur during the process.
siliconSilicon is a chemical element commonly used in electronics.
formulationThe scientist presented a new formulation for the experimental drug.
complicationsSurgery may involve complications that need careful consideration.
expertiseShe reached a high level of expertise in her field.
librarianThe librarian quickly scanned the barcode to check out the borrowed book.
bagsShe helped her friend with the heavy bags. 
disturbanceThe loud noise outside caused a disturbance in the peaceful neighborhood.
solidsSolids have a definite shape and volume.
dancingDancing can be a great way to exercise.
indicatorsThe success of the project was measurable through key performance indicators.
altitudeThe plane will descend to a lower altitude for landing.
cavalryIn history, cavalry played a crucial role in many military campaigns.
opensThe store opens at 9 AM every day.
promisingThe yield on this investment is quite promising.
certaintyThe scientist spoke with certainty about the experiment's success.
competingCompeting in the global market requires strategic planning.
periodicalsThe library subscribed to a wide range of periodicals, offering readers access to the latest publications.
sacramentoSacramento is the capital city of the U.S. state of California.
shirtYou can choose either the blue or the green shirt. 
noonWe'll meet at the park at noon. 
reimbursementThe company promised reimbursement for travel expenses.
koreanShe enjoys watching Korean dramas in her free time.
websterWebster may refer to a person's name or the dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster.
directingDirecting a film requires a strong vision and leadership.
differsHis perspective on the issue differs from mine.
distinctlyThe artist's style was distinctly different from others in the gallery.
framesThe artist frames her paintings with intricate designs.
mailingThe postage for mailing the package was calculated based on its weight.
ballotCitizens cast their ballot to vote for their preferred candidate.
countingHe's busy counting the money from the fundraiser.
amplitudeAmplitude measures the maximum extent of a vibration or wave.
poetsMany poets find inspiration in nature.
enforcedSpeed limits are enforced to ensure safety.
shortageThere's a shortage of clean drinking water in some regions.
tireThe tire was completely flat, so we had to change it.
laughterThe family had a jovial dinner together, sharing stories and laughter. 
baptistBaptist is a Christian denomination with distinct beliefs and practices.
treatiesInternational treaties aim to maintain global peace.
correctionsThe corrections officer monitored the inmates in the prison.
doubtfulThe outcome of the experiment remained doubtful due to various factors.
balancesThe accountant reviews the balances in the financial statements.
perryPerry may refer to a person's name or a type of fruit.
inlandInland areas are located away from the coast or sea.
summitWorld leaders gathered for the international summit.
intendI intend to finish this project by the end of the week.
contributingHe's been contributing to the community.
pensionsMany people rely on pensions for retirement income.